Monday, June 30, 2008

I Know Why They Named it That!

Today at lunch I treated myself to a pedicure, which is something I don't do terribly often. I went for several reasons -- first, I can't bend my knee well enough to paint my own nails; second, I'm leaving for vacation tomorrow and want decent looking nails, and third, I had a super-stressful morning and needed something to help me relax (I thought this was a better option than vodka).

After my pedi, I was hobbling back out to my car when a truck pulled up in front of the little strip mall where I get my toes done. A guy hopped out of the passenger seat and his kids (well, I'm assuming they were his kids) hopped out of the backseat. The three of them were walking into the nearby Cricket store when I heard the youngest child (probably around five years old) giggle and exlaim, "Hey! That's why they call it Cricket! Look at all of the crickets on the ground in front of their door! That's so funny!"

I had seen the crickets when I walked by earlier, and there was, indeed, a pretty big pile of them, but I didn't think of things that way.

I about fell over laughing. Both her mom and dad were laughing, too. It was absolutely great! What an adorable can be so stinkin' funny, if you just listen to them.

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