Friday, December 16, 2011

I'm Tired...

I’m tired of the hate. I’m tired of the judgment. I’m tired of the bigotry.

From the time my sister and I were very small children, our mom taught us that all people are equal and all people deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. Yes, we grew up in rural Kansas, attended a Christian church, and went to school in a predominantly Caucasian community. No, we did not grow up with great wealth and affluence. We just had a normal childhood – and were raised by a fantastic, progressive mother.

I wasn’t raised to hate, so I can’t understand why there’s so much hate, judgment, bigotry, and intolerance in the world. It comes from all corners, too. Some religions don’t like other religions and choose to judge. Some races don’t like other races. Some heterosexuals condemn homosexuals. And what really kills me is that many of these people choose to hate and judge in the name of their religion – even though their very religion says they’re not to judge.

To me, the bottom line is that people are people. No one should be judged based on his or her appearance, lifestyle, religion, or anything else, until he or she has had a chance to prove/disprove himself or herself.

Do I like everyone in the entire world? No. But I’d like to think that I don’t pre-judge people based upon their characteristics. Typically, if I don’t like someone, it’s because he or she and I don’t see eye to eye, he or she is unkind or a bad person, or he or she is judgmental – and I always try to give everyone a chance first. Am I perfect? ABSOLUTELY NOT! If I said I was, you could readily call me a liar – and I hope you would.

I wish people could open their eyes and see that the color of a person’s skin is not a good indicator of his or her internal person; a person’s religion does not make him or her a good or bad person; a person’s sexual orientation doesn’t make someone right or wrong.

I’m just tired of the hate.


Apparently, I've kind of abandoned my blog. It was completely accidental, so I'm staging a comeback. Well, I don't really know if it can be called a comeback, since I truly never left, but you get the drift.