Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Truth is Out There?!?!

Okay, so I never did watch the X Files of whatever cheesy show had that as their tagline, but I do still remember it. But something happened the other day that made me laugh and think of how insane some of the "alien hunters" (for lack of a better word) would go if it happened to them.

First off, let me preface this by saying that if there is, indeed, intelligent life on other planets, I don't believe that they are little green men in spaceships who waste their time flying around making crop circles and sucking out the brains of unsuspecting individuals. I think it's very possible that there is intelligent life beyond our planet, but if this is the case, then I think they have better things to do.

So, on to what happened to me the other day...I came home from work on Thursday afternoon to find that my yard guy had mowed my yard while I was at work. That made me beyond happy because, while I'd planned to mow my own yard this summer, it's kind of hard to do with a bum knee; plus, my grass was starting to look shaggy and I like to keep it looking neat. I didn't think much about his mowing until later that evening when I went to run errands or some such. When I walked out of the house, I found this:

Okay, so the photo didn't turn out the greatest and it's not as pronounced since it has been a few days, but I have what some people would probably call a miniature crop circle in my front yard. I'll admit that I walked over to check it out because I thought it was just grass clippings. It's not, though. I can't really figure out what it kind of looks like a darker circle of grass in the middle of the rest of my grass...ahem...weeds.
I think it's fully amusing. I do know, however, that there are some people who would be completely freaked out by it. The good thing is that it makes me laugh every time I walk out my door. I've been in need of a good laugh and smile!

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