Friday, January 1, 2010

Day 1

Let me begin by stating the obvious: it's a new year!

I'm not normally a fan of making new year's resolutions because, for the most part, I don't think people stick to them. Historically, I haven't -- it's been more of a rarity for me to actually follow through with mine, than it is for me to achieve mine.

This year, however, is a little different. I'm actually making a couple of resolutions and I'm planning to make at least one of them stick! I want both to stick, but I also know me and know that both will be a challenge.

So, the first is to lose weight. I'm hopping back on the South Beach Diet train today. I've actually been mentally ready to get back on my diet for a few days, but decided that I'd start today, just so I had plenty of time to get the rest of the junk food cravings and consumption out of the way. This is the resolution that I KNOW I can make happen. It's worked for me before and I've just got to be strong enough to make it work again.

The second, is my resolution to quit letting people walk all over me and dictate how and what I'm doing in my life. I'm usually pretty good about marching to the beat of my own drummer and being content, but recently, I've had a few too many occasions when someone has dictated what I'm to do. And, unwilling to make too many waves, I've just fallen in line and done what was "expected" of me, even though it wasn't what I necessarily wanted. No more. I'm not out to make waves or enemies or trouble, but I've got to resolve to stand up for myself and quit letting people walk all over me. This is the resolution that I'm relatively sure will be more difficult for me.

So, there you have it in a nutshell: I'm going to become a better me in 2010...a healthier me...a happier me. Wish me luck! For now, I'm off to find some carbless food for breakfast. Guess I should have gotten groceries yesterday!

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