Monday, December 21, 2009

Please Help, If You Can

Most of you know that I'm an avid follower of Cake Wrecks ( Well, a week or so ago, Jen and John (Cake Wrecks owners) decided to start a charity drive for the two weeks before Christmas. Each day, they've highlighted a different charity and encouraged readers to give a dollar to each charity each day. They even asked readers to suggest charities and have picked some awesome ones who I truly believe are doing great things.

Today, however, is different. Today's donations are going to a 27-year-old woman who, a few days ago, lost her house, her belongings, and, most importantly, her husband and two children, in a fire. She and her 12-year-old step-daughter were rescued, but the husband died while trying to save the other children. The fire still is under investigation, but one thing is known: the rental house in which they all lived was not equipped with working smoke detectors.

So, here's what I'm asking: First, please keep this family in your thoughts and prayers; they need to know that people care. Second, if you can help financially, I'm sure that every cent would be much-appreciated; a trust has been set up for the family. Donations can be made by either linking back to this blog or to Cake Wrecks. Third, PLEASE go home and check your smoke detectors tonight. This could easily happen to any one of us.

****Please note that I do not personally know anyone associated with this tragedy, but it's really made me think about how much I love my friends and family.****

1 comment:

Kristie said...

Thank you so much for sharing Amanda's story. Your prayers and support are greatly appreciated!