Thursday, December 3, 2009

People Watching

One of my favorite activities is people watching – just sitting back and observing the behavior of people in a random setting. In the past couple of weeks, I’ve learned that one of the best places to people watch is in an airport (after all, I’ve had plenty of experience with it lately!). Yesterday morning, I had a 6:15 am flight out of OKC. As I sat and observed those around me, I began to wonder about their stories, including where they were going.

How about the woman about my age who was walking through the airport in jeans, a hoodie, a flipflops, carrying a laptop backpack? Looking at her was kind of like looking in a mirror – except, of course, for the fact that she had dark hair and was skinnier than me. Is she traveling on business, but like me, traveling in comfortable clothes because she detests flying in a suit? Is she flying somewhere for vacation? Going home slightly early for the holidays?

Was the very large, Santa-resembling man sitting in my row traveling to see his family? On business? Or does Santa fly Southwest when he’s got a horrible cold and his sleigh isn’t working?

I do know that the woman sitting next to me was flying from New Orleans to Albany, New York, because she readily told me, even though I didn’t really want to talk; she’d been to see her grandchildren. (I was annoyed with her because there was a nearly totally empty plane and she sat RIGHT beside me – not even in the aisle seat – and didn’t smell great.)

And the man in the emerald green velour track suit, with the burgundy fanny pack, and Barbie pink hat? I have NO idea and, honestly, I’m a little scared to ask!

The cool thing, though, is that airports really show you a true picture of life. You see people of all walks of life, from all different backgrounds, with all different stories. It’s just a little reminder that the world is a very big place.

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