Monday, January 18, 2010

The First Ten

I'm a little more than two weeks in to my new health and weightloss regime and I'm proud to say that I'm already down ten pounds!

If you look at me, chances are that you're not going to be able to tell yet -- at least not truly. I haven't lost it all from one place on my body; rather, I've lost a little bit from several places -- my face, my back, my stomach, and even some in my legs.

My current short-term goal is to stay on Phase 1 of this diet (meat, vegetables, and dairy) until the end of January. Typically, you don't stay on it for more than two weeks, but when you have this much weight to lose, you can stay on it for up to 30 days at a time. Since I've lost an average of five pounds a week, my goal is to lose a total of 20 by January 31.

The carb cravings have significantly lessened and it doesn't seem to be impacting my mood as much any more, which definitely is a good thing! I feel better -- have more energy, feel less lethargic throughout the day, and already can tell a difference in my overall health.

Oh -- and I also have decided that I'm going to reward myself for each ten pounds lost. My first reward? A pedicure tonight after work. Yes, I get pedis pretty frequently in the summer, but rarely, if ever, get them in the winter, so this was a definite treat for me. I'm not sure about my next reward. Someone suggested a massage, but I've never had one and am not a fan of people I don't know massaging me. Hmmm...maybe a new purse instead. Anyone have any other suggestions?

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