Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Oklahoma Illegalization of Scientific Research

Well, the Oklahoma legislature is at it again. They somehow managed to pass a bill, through both the house and the senate, that makes it illegal for companies in this state to perform embryonic stem cell research. What's more is that the bill also makes it illegal for any medical procedures that have been discovered as a result of embryonic stem cell research to be performed in Oklahoma. Governor Henry is expected to veto this bill before the deadline of 11:59 pm tonight, but the margins by which the bill was passed in the legislature indicate that there's enough power to override this veto.

Whether or not you believe that life begins at conception is essentially pointless in this case. The stem cell research that is being done/has been done/is planned to be done in Oklahoma is done on stem cells extracted from fertilized embryos that would not otherwise be used; instead, these embryos are slated to be discarded as medical waste.

So, keeping in mind all of the advances and cures that potentially could be found through this research - those for ALS, cancer, paralysis, spinal cord injuries, Alzheimer's, and others -- the Oklahoma legislature is sending a message that, no matter that there are people who are living with these issues, their lives are not as important as something that has been deemed medical waste. Basically, they are telling me that my grandfather, who is suspected to be in the early stages of Alzheimer's, is not as important as something slated for the trash. That my friends and family members who are fighting or have fought cancer are not worth saving -- that saving waste is more important.

This doesn't even take into account the economic implications that making this research illegal could have on our state.

Please, Oklahoma residents, I urge you to think about what this could mean for our state. Contact your legislators and ask them to support Governor Henry's veto of this bill. Allow this research to occur. You never know -- it might be you, or your loved one, who needs the cure found through this research.


James a.k.a. SmorgasBorgnine said...

The ignorance this state exhibits continues to amaze me. I hope I never need serious medical care here with all this going on. I'm glad Gov. Henry had the cajones to veto it, but I'm afraid it's going to pass regardless. Great post and a great topic.

Meg said...

Thanks, James!

I sent letters to the three representatives and the one senator who cover El Reno, begging each one to support the veto. I don't have much hope, though, as I recently overheard one of the reps saying that he doesn't care what his constituents want -- he only cares about what HE wants. If you want a copy to e-mail to any of your legislators, let me know and I'll share.