Saturday, April 25, 2009

It's All Fun and Games...Until Somebody Breaks a Nose

Jason's best friend talked us in to going to play disc golf this afternoon. I've always wanted to play, so I was more than game. Our group included four of us, two of whom have layed extensively and two of whom had never played -- I'm one of the disc golf virgins.

Well, we'd played six holes and I finally was starting to get the hang of things and really enjoy myself...until we were getting ready to leave for the seventh hole. One of our guys had lost a disc in the trees, so he went to retrieve it, deciding to throw it out once h found it. Well, three of us were standing by the hole when the disc came flying out. About the same time I saw a flash of bright orange, it smashed straight into the bridge of my nose.

After about 15 minutes of trying to stem the bleeding, I could fee the cartilidge crunching, so we headed to urgent care. Urgent care refused to see me, instead sending me to the ER. Long story short, I have a broken nose, which is rapidly swelling and bruising.

I'm in a pretty significant amount of pain and am miserable, but the poor guy who threw the disc seems to be equally miserable. He keeps apologizing, but I swear that I don't hold him accountable. I'm not at all mad (well, not at him; the ER, now that's a different story).

I really did have a good time, broken nose nonwithstanding. Once I'm feeling better, I'm excited to play again. Only maybe I need a helmet.

1 comment:

Vikki said...

Oh meg! Sorry for the "ouch"...I hurt for you..Love ya!