Monday, April 6, 2009

The Bill with a Name

Two weeks or so ago, I received a one dollar bill in change from my lunch. When I pulled it out the next morning to buy a Diet Coke, I discovered that it had been autographed. I couldn't read the signed name, but could read that it was written to "Destiny" with "Best wishes!". I stuck it back in my wallet, thinking that I would research it a little more at a later time.

Over the next few days, I'd periodically see it and wonder whose name was signed to it. Why had someone spent a dollar that they had someone autograph? Was it someone famous? Locally famous? Internationally famous? Did they spend it by accident? Because they had no other money? I still had no clue, but resisted spending it, thinking that I'd just hang onto it for a while.

Fast forward another day or so and I had come down with a nasty cold. I went in to work to pick up my computer and a few other things and then prepared to head for home so that I could rest and heal. On my way down the stairs, I was overcome by a coughing fit and desperately needed a drink -- I was dizzy and my throat was on fire. I walked through the break room and made a beeline for the soda machine. As I reached into my purse, I grabbed the only dollar I had with me to feed into the machine -- the autographed one. I watched the machine pull it in and grabbed my bottle of water, hoping to help my throat.

On the way home, as I sipped water and coughed, I thought a little more about that dollar. Perhaps, like me, the autograph recipient spent it out of desperation. I'll never know whose signature graced that bill, although I will long wonder, as will I wonder what drove the recipient to spend the autograph.

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