Monday, June 8, 2009

Leave Them Alone!

For the past couple of years, basically since the beginning, I've loosely followed the TLC show Jon and Kate Plus 8. At first, it was due to a strange fascination with the family, but it slowly morphed into a slight habit.

Essentially, I've always wondered if I'd actually like Jon and Kate in real life, and sadly, although I think they love their children, I don't think they'd be my favorite people. She seems overwhelmingly controlling and he seems to be underwhelmingly able to think for himself. That's really neither here nor there, though, for the purpose of this post.

Since the beginning of the year, Jon and Kate's relationship problems have been broadcast for the world to see. Sure, some would say that they brought this on themselves, what with their show and all, but I don't really agree. I truly doubt that, when they signed a contract, they planned to have marital issues and have them shown to everyone.

For the most part, I've just listened to the edge of the publicity...until today. Apparently, as of today, in addition to being investigated for possible violations of child labor laws, they now are being investigated on charges of animal abuse -- because of a comment that one of them made about their children roughhousing with their dogs.

I am sorry. This is just RIDICULOUS! Leave these poor people alone! Let them work out their marital problems alone. And, Jon and Kate? Put your show on hiatus. Work on your life. Get out of the spotlight. I have a hunch that you'll be glad you did.

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