Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Is It Really Fall?

As I was driving home from the gym tonight, windows down, sunroof open, and thermometer in car indicating that it was 74 degrees at nearly 6 pm, it finally dawned on me that today is November 20. Weather like this makes it feel like late September, not a week out from Thanksgiving!

As a child, we always had apple cider to drink during the fall months. There's nothing quite like the tang of chilled cider. For the past two years, however, I haven't had any because of the carbs. I still haven't had any this year, but just a few minutes ago, I decided I wanted a drink to help me relax. I found a bottle of Lindeman's Lambic Belgian fruit beer in my refrigerator that I bought about six weeks ago. I'd forgotten I'd purchased it. I love their raspberry flavor, but had decided to take a chance and try the apple flavor. I was more than a little cautious as I uncorked the bottle tonight, but immediately upon taking my first sip, I was hooked! This stuff is like appled cider for grown-ups! I don't think that anywhere in Hell Ghetto carries it, though, so I'll have to pick some up in the city this weekend. Good stuff -- I recommend that you try it! Oh -- and "fruit beer" isn't anything like it sounds -- it's more like a rich fruit wine that's not cloyingly sweet.

Anyway, even though it's still pretty warm tonight, I've got a pot of soup simmering on the stove, a Lindeman's in my hand, and am getting ready to start a fire in my chiminea, assuming I have some wood. Life is good!

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