Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Common (Lack of) Sense

Sometimes, I swear that people just flat don't think in life. My proof? Two scenarios that I experienced today:

Last night, I got my hair cut...and I mean *really* cut. I wasn't planning on it being this short, but on the parts that are now the longest, my stylist cut off approximately eight inches, so it's pretty obvious that I got my hair cut. Well, this morning, I ran into someone that I typically see about five days a week. Her first comment to me? "Hey, Meg -- did you get your hair cut? It looks cute." I smiled, nodded, and told her that, indeed, I had gotten it cut last night, when I really wanted to say, "Really? Did I get my hair cut? Nope. It decided that it wanted to vacation somewhere warmer, so eight inches jumped off and ran away last night."

Mean of me? Kind of. I was nice to her, though, and she truly is a sweet person. It just kind of threw me for a loop.

Fast forward to this evening. I needed to get a few groceries, so ran up to Crest after stopping at the post office. To help the environment, I typically use the reusable shopping bags, but I didn't have mine with me because it was a spur of the moment trip. So, since I always can use more, I decided to buy another one. After the sacker bagged my groceries, he looked at the green bag, which was the first thing down the belt, and said, "Oh, did you want your groceries in this bag?" I smiled and told him that, yes, I did, when I really wanted to say, "Nope. Just thought it'd make an awesome new purse!" So, the kicker? He took the five things he'd already put in the paper bag and put them into the green bag -- paper bag and all. Boy, that really helped conserve our resources!

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