Saturday, September 20, 2008

Old Friends

When friends move apart, they always swear that they'll be friends forever. Unfortunately, that's not always true. It's usually not intentional, but it does happen -- we get busy with our jobs, our families, our friends...we don't forget those people, but communication falls by the wayside. Sometimes, though, you have that one friendship that never changes. It doesn't matter how far apart you live, and you maybe don't talk as often as you did when you lived close to each other, but you always can pick back up right where you left off. I'm so lucky to have a couple of friendships like this.

Back in college, during the second semester of my freshman year, I met a fellow freshman who quickly became one of my closest friends. Today, 12 years later, I truly believe that we're as close as we were all of those years back. In fact, I truly believe that we're closer. Because of careers (and my desire for something other than what I could find in Kansas), we now live several hours apart. When I moved, I was afraid it would change everything. Nope. Within a month, she was on my front doorstep for a weekend visit. In fact, she helped me unpack and clean my house. To be totally honest, when she had her first child, I was afraid that we would drift apart. Quite the opposite. I'm Aunt Meg to both of her children and love them as though they were my own. With every bump in the road of life, be it joyous or unhappy, she is one of the first people I call. I do have to admit that I really, really miss her!

After completing my first semester of grad school, I decided that I wanted a "real" job. I applied for one in Pratt, Kansas, of all places. When I was asked to come for an interview, there were two people who interviewed me -- the woman who would become my boss and a future co-worker. My interview was over, and my future co-worker took me on a tour of town and bought me lunch at one of Pratt's original restaurants. We spent a couple of hours together that day and I knew from then that a solid friendship was going to be formed. I've moved a couple of times since leaving Pratt, but she has always been there for me. Anytime I've needed a listening ear, a professional opinion, a kick in the butt for whatever random reason (and believe me, there have been plenty!), or a Halloween costume made, I've always been able to call her. I miss her and haven't seen her for about a year, but I know that next time I do, we'll pick right up where we were last time we saw each other.

Today, I've got a very good friend who I've met since moving to Oklahoma. I know that she's getting ready to move and it's really killing me because I don't know what I'll do without her. I know that moving is what's absolutely best for her and her daughters, though, so that helps. I believe, deep in my heart of hearts, that she and I have a friendship like this. I can't imagine that we won't talk constantly and that we won't see each other frequently.

Friends truly are a large part of what makes life worth living. I know, I know....I'm being ridiculously sappy today, but I just want these people to know how much they mean to me.

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