Friday, March 26, 2010

The Learning Channel?

Years ago, the television station TLC was aptly named The Learning Channel. A few years back, they dropped their lengthy moniker and became known as TLC. Along with their name change, they changed some of their programming – truly, for the most part, for the better. I’m a longtime TLC fan and have enjoyed many shows on the network. After what I heard earlier this week, though, I’m afraid that’s going to change.

Early this week, Discovery (which owns TLC) announced that they had decided to purchase the rights to an eight-part documentary series featuring Sarah Palin. I was more than slightly surprised. Discovery and Sarah Palin? It just seemed…wrong. Discovery, which prides themselves on providing learning opportunities, has picked up a show that’s sole purpose essentially seems to be to promote a woman who should be well past her 15 minutes of fame. Sure, they say it’s to promote Alaska, but using Palin as a host? Come on!

Does Alaska intrigue me? Absolutely. Would I enjoy learning more about it? Sure – I’d like to learn more about all of our states. I’m not, however, interested in listening to Sarah Palin’s nasal voice extol the virtues of moose hunting. I truly think they could have found someone who knows Alaska better than a woman who chose to resign from an elected position, for no reason other than to promote herself and make more money. Had they, I’d definitely be more interested in actually watching the show.

Now, is everything on TLC a learning experience? Heck no. I’ve got to admit that I’m (ashamedly) addicted to Toddlers and Tiaras and that I used to watch Trading Spaces and, sometimes, even Jon and Kate Plus Eight. But for some reason, this just doesn’t sit well with me…and I’m strong enough to admit that it’s because I just flat do not care for Sarah Palin.

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