Thursday, April 7, 2011

Slot Machines, Deer, and Bikes

One of my closest girl friends and I have established a recent tradition -- hitting Fire Lake Grand Casino one Wednesday night a month. I guess maybe you can't really call it a tradition yet, as we've only gone twice, but it's such crazy fun that we swear we're going each month.

The main reason we go on Wednesdays is because every Wednesday is Ladies' Night at Fire Lake. That means you get $10 in free match play on your Player's Club card and, if you have the handy-dandy little coupon that they send you each month, you get ANOTHER $10 in free match play.

The first time we went, we walked out after a couple of hours, both between $100-200 richer. The second time we went, I walked out $311 richer and Jenn was ahead, too. It definitely was a success!

On the way home, we had a deer play target practice with Jenn's car, but luckily, we all escaped unscathed (except the poor deer). It definitely shook us up, but it still didn't dampen our enthusiasm on going again.

After a ton of debate, I finally decided what to do with my second batch of winnings (the first went to pay doctor's bills and prescriptions, thanks to my third bout with bronchitis this year). Yes, I could use a new cell phone, but instead, I decided to buy a bike. You read right...a bike...and I don't mean a motorcycle.

I've wanted a new bike for several years and have plans to start riding to work and around town for simple errands. I looked at bikes at WalMart and Target, but nothing seemed very comfortable. So, I started doing research and finally decided I'd be better off spending a little more and getting a truly high-quality bike.

Poor Jase listened to me rant, rave, guess, and second guess myself for hours and also went shopping with me. After two weeks of shopping and countless hours of research, I finally narrowed it down to two bikes. Then, finally, last Saturday, I pulled the trigger and bought this:

It's a Trek 7100 -- a hybrid bike -- one designed for comfortable riding on streets, paved trails, and even some non-paved trails. I bought it from Al's Bicycles in Edmond (whom I HIGHLY recommend) and will get to pick it up this weekend. I'm so very excited!

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