Tuesday, April 27, 2010

What a Kid!

I like kids...I always have. Sure, there are a few out there who are little jerks and don't know how to behave, which annoys me, but there truly are some good kids in this world. With some kids, I'm scared to think that they'll eventually be in charge of the world (for that matter, about half of the adults currently in charge terrify me!), but there are others who give you faith that the world will be well off in their hands.

I personally know several great kids -- Adrian, Harrison, Emilie, Ella, Bridgette, Shayla, Alex, Kaitlyn, Lauren, Emma, Aidan, Isaac, Aidan, Abbie, and many more -- and it always makes me happy to meet other great kids. About a year ago, I met two more great kids -- two of my neighbor kids -- Reece and Cora.

Last night, Reece, who is 13 years old, rang my doorbell and asked me if he could mow my yard this evening. I glanced out at the forest and asked him if he really wanted to do it because it had gotten really out of control after the last week of rain. He told me that he did -- and only wanted $10 for it. Well, I knew that I'd pay him more than $10 because it was BAD -- figured I'd give him $20 and we'd both be happy.

Fast forward to tonight...I came home from work and he was happily mowing away. My front yard was nearly done and looked fabulous! An hour or so later, he finished the back yard and I heard him fire up the weed-eater...which is something that the last professional I hired did NOT do. I looked out and he'd picked up all of the sticks, mowed, trimmed, and more...and did a FABULOUS job! To be honest, other than the time that Jase surprised me and mowed for me last summer, my yard has never looked better. He rang my doorbell to tell me he was done and I handed him $30 and I thought his eyes were going to bug out of his head because he was so excited. I also asked him if he'd be interested in mowing for me the rest of the summer, even though it wouldn't always pay this much. He's in and excited...and getting cookies later this week to share with his sisters.

Kids sometimes get such a bad rap. Sometimes it's deserved, but other times, it's definitely not. This kid, like many of the others I know, is going places! Let's hear it for polite, respectful, kids who have great morals and ethics!

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