Monday, June 1, 2009

Legal vs. Illegal

Controversial Wichita physician, Dr. George Tiller, was shot to death while serving as an usher at his church yesterday morning. Dr. Tiller was a prominent figure in the medical field for providing women's health services, particularly, abortions.

More details are coming to light on Dr. Tiller's death, including that the suspect is an anti-government, anti-choice, pretty much anti-everything nut job who believes that killing a living, breathing human is justifiable, just because he doesn't like what he did for a living. Thankfully, he's been apprehended and is in custody, awaiting charges.

I'm not going to turn this into a pro-choice/pro-life post, because, here's the deal: abortion currently is legal. Whether it's right for you or wrong for you, if you're ever in a situation that could call for an abortion, only you can decide. Bottom line? It's legal.

The other part of the equation is that murdering a living human is illegal. No matter how you slice it, Dr. Tiller was gunned down and murdered in a place that's supposed to be a place of peace. A haven. Safe. Bottom line here? Murder is illegal.

If you're so completely pro-life because you believe that abortions are murder, then how can you justify murdering someone yourself? It just doesn't make any sense to me.

All I know is that, while I might not agree with everything he did, Dr. Tiller was a husband, father, grandfather, friend, and so much more -- he was more than his profession, as are we all. Today, his family and friends are mourning because of someone who apparently has a skewed sense of right and wrong. And, to me, that's just sad.


James a.k.a. SmorgasBorgnine said...

Great post. It's a sad story all-around. There apparently is an unending supply of the crazy going around.

Meg said...

Thanks, James! It is sad all the way around. I grew up relatively close to Wichita, so I remember first learning about Dr. Tiller in the early 90's during the so-called Summer of Mercy. When he was shot then, I remember wondering how someone could consider abortion murder, but still find it okay to attempt to kill a living human.