Friday, March 6, 2009

Not Really a Surprise

I grew up in the bible belt - Kansas - and still live in an area of it today - Oklahoma. I've grown accustomed to the conservative values that many in this area hold and can appreciate the fact that we're each entitled to our own thoughts, beliefs, and values -- that's part of living in America. There are stories, however, like some of those I read today, that still manage to surprise me.

Story one: we're wasting valuable time and money in the legislature debating the merits of changing the wording on our state flag to say Oklahoma! instead of Oklahoma. The same representative also wants to create an "official" state abbreviation: OK!. I'm sorry, but I think there are better things to spend our time and money doing. Sure, the relatively trivial things can sometimes add some lightheartedness to our life. This one just seems pointless. Click here for the full story.

Story two: another Oklahoma legislator drafted a resolution today opposing a lecture being presented by Richard Dawkins tonight at OU. Great idea! Let's waste time AND money to draft a pointless resolution to continue to make us a laughingstock. What's next? Following the former Kansas State Board of Education in removing the teaching of evolution from the classrooms? Here's the full story.

Story three: and finally, saving the best for last, an instructor for an Oklahoma hunter safety course took an anti-President Obama stance and kicked all liberals and those who voted for Obama out of his class. When I first saw this headline, I literally laughed out loud because I couldn't believe it. Then I realized that it wasn't some sort of sick joke. It was true. Kudos to the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation for their quick thinking and actions. Read the story here.

I think I'll go hide and pretend that I'm not an Oklahoman, although my home state of Kansas isn't doing a whole lot better -- more on that tomorrow.

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