Monday, November 24, 2008

Sitting in a Laundromat...

I'm sitting in a laundromat this evening, just about eight blocks from my house. Somewhat unbelievably, I'm actually able to pick up the wireless signal from my house, but, I digress.

Why am in sitting in a laudromat? I needed to wash my comforter and wanted a jumbo-sized washer to do the job. So, much like in college, I decided that the washers and dryers might find a comforting backdrop for me to work. I packed up my laundry stuff and my laptop, and here I am. And, yes, I actually accomplished some work before I turned to blogging.

For some reason, laundromats bring back good memories for me. Yes, they, like this one, can be kind of scary, but still, the good memories are there.

When I was a young child and the lines for our washer were blocked or frozen or something (god only knows - we lived on a ranch and were forever having problems), Mom would pack up the laundry on a Saturday afternoon, and me (Jill usually stayed home with Dad), and we'd go to the nearest town to wash the clothes. It was just a tiny laundromat -- probably only had like eight machines, and I'm sure that it wasn't fun for her, but she always made an adventure out of the day. I usually took along my ubiquitous stuffed rabbit, Ben, and she would let me push him around the building in one of the laundry carts. We'd play games she made up and she'd tell me stories. Sometimes, I'd bring a book and she'd read to me. I was just a tiny kid, but I still remember those afternoons. Looking back, it probably wasn't that often that we went, but my mom always turned it into an adventure.

Perhaps it makes me sound like a hick or a child who had nothing that I found trips to the laundromat with my mom fun, but that's not the case. Those trips were simply stolen moments of time from my childhood -- fun times that I'll always remember having with my mom. I just wish that she were here tonight to help entertain me!

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