Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I want to be a kid again. I want to not worry about anything other than if I'm going to make mudpies or play on the swingset. I want to go back to a time when I didn't know that other people judged me. I want to be able to sleep at night without the aid of a prescription; on the nights when I can't sleep, I want it to be because I'm excited about going on vacation or because it's Christmas Eve. I want to not feel a difference between weekdays and weekends because both are equally fun.

I just want life to be simple again -- where I don't have to worry about what other people think of me, the economy, gas prices, pollution, poverty, paying bills, keeping a home, and everything else we deal with as adults. For one day, I just want to have no worries.

I want to feel the mud squish between my toes, listen to the falling leaves crackle in the wind, dance in the rain, and feel the sun on my face. I want a hug from someone I love to cure everything that's wrong (well, that actually pretty much still works for me).

That's all that I want right now. Simplicity and happiness. Since I know that I can't be a kid again, I need to find something child-like to do. Maybe it's time to make mudpies or crunch through the leaves again. It IS time to go for a very long drive (without worrying about gas prices) with the windows down, the sunroof open, and someone important beside me -- all with no destination in mind.

I just don't want another day like today.

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