Friday, August 29, 2008

Political Games

As a woman, I'm very pleased that John McCain announced Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his vice presidential running mate today. Not since 1984, when Geraldine Ferraro was Walter Mondale's running mate, has a woman been in such a major race. (And, yes, I remember the 1984 election, but barely...that was back in the day of the "Weekly Reader" in elementary school and they had a mock election for kids between Reagan and Mondale.)

All of that being said, I can't help but feel that this is a continuation of McCain's political games. I don't know that much about Palin yet, so I can't judge on if I feel that she's a qualified candidate. I can, however, say this: I think that McCain picked her as an "in your face" type move because Obama did not choose Hillary Clinton as his running mate. It's no secret that some of Clinton's supporters are not happy with the choice of Obama -- if for no other reason than that he is not Hillary Clinton. I think this is a desperate cry by McCain to try to persuade some of Clinton's supporters to support him instead.

This is all very intriguing to me. Since I turned 18 and became eligible to vote, I have followed political races, but never before to this degree -- at least not for the president/vice president. I'm eager to see the turnout of this race and, as many of you probably know, am proudly supporting the Obama/Biden ticket.

No matter the outcome, one thing's for certain -- history will be made with this election.

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